Scroll down to the first video below to watch this month's mastering trading psychology video from Rande Howell:  "Warning: Winning Can Be Dangerous to Successful Trading!"

Does Your Trading Psychology Stand Between You and What You Know is Possible?

Many know how to trade when the threat of losing is not present. But the moment that the trade goes live, their mind is seized and their trading mind disappears. Only after the damage do they come back to their senses and ask, "What just happened?"

To become a successful trader, you must answer this question and master it. Come and learn here.

Watch this month's free video below:

Rande Howell Trader Psychologist

Warning: Winning Can Be Dangerous to Successful Trading

How can that be? 
Everybody wants to win, what could be so wrong with winning?  After losing, winning feels really good.  Right?

 Think about it.  How many times have you traded, won, and then given it all back – and then some.  If you’re like most traders – all too many times.

What makes that happen? 
Unfortunately, winning also has a dark side.  One that can set you up for failure.  Winning triggers the brain’s reward system, which leads your survival instincts into feeling good and confident.  The key is learning how to control this
process.  Watch this video and find out more.  It’s not just fear that stands in your way.  It is the way you understand
success.  Come learn more.  Watch now.

This Month's Educational Webinar from Rande Howell

Click to go to the related article

Warning: Winning Can Be Dangerous to Your Success in Trading

Have you ever noticed how common it is for you to start winning (yeah!), and start feeling good about your prospects for success in trading. And you think that you’re getting pretty good at this and have turned the corner to successful trading career. Then, boom, you take some losses. And lose back all your gains – and then some.
Until you learn how to master the emotions of trading success, this is a common pattern for traders. What’s behind it? And how do you work past it so that you become a consistently profitable trader. Come learn how. Watch this free webinar so you can learn how to handle success in trading.