Scroll down to the second video below to watch this month's mastering trading psychology webinar from Rande Howell:  "Controlling Your Emotions When the Money Is Real"

Does Your Trading Psychology Stand Between You and What You Know is Possible?

Many know how to trade when the threat of losing is not present. But the moment that the trade goes live, their mind is seized and their trading mind disappears. Only after the damage do they come back to their senses and ask, "What just happened?"

To become a successful trader, you must answer this question and master it. Come and learn here.

Watch this month's free video below:

Rande Howell Trader Psychologist

Controlling Your Emotions When the Money is Real

Controlling Your Emotions Under Pressure

Nobody told you that the rules of success in trading are different than regular life. Every trader has to learn this lesson. The tried-and-truth Success Formula of: Hard Work In Leads to Success – fails. Yet, people keep the hard work up expecting a different results. If you have been a student of trading for at least several years, you have seen this dynamic play out hundreds of times in your trading.

What does work? It requires a huge shift in your thinking. It is a clash between the instincts of your old Caveman Brain, seeking short term survival and the Probability Based Mind that is capable of being built for trading. Where you are not in control of outcome. You only control the mind that you bring to performance. This is a huge shift that few traders will learn because they are working hard trying to be successful. Because of their determination, they never see what does work with managing uncertainty.

I invite you to come and learn. Come and learn how to reshape your brain and mind for the rigors of managing the uncertainty of trading. Sign up for this free webinar from Rande Howell of Tradersstateofmind.

This Month's Educational Webinar from Rande Howell

Click to go to the related article

Controlling Your Emotions When the Money is Real

Victory in trading goes against the grain of just about everything you believe about winning. From the cradle we are taught to win and not lose. To make things happen. Working is doing. You got to win the race by being the fastest. You got to be doing something to be doing something.

You bring that mindset to trading and it gets you into trouble. You learn that patience, not speed, is what produces consistent profitability. Yet, when you try being patient for very long – you get bored. And that spells trouble in trading. Why? Because you are built from the ground up to be doing something all the time. But, in trading, you patiently have to wait for the markets to give you something. In trading, through patience, fast becomes slow. You do not make things happens – you wait for it to come to you.

How do you learn to become a patient trader? Patience can be trained so that it becomes a standard practice of your trading. That opens the door for the dreams that trading can truly deliver. Wanna know how? Sign up for Rande Howell’s Developing a Patient Trading Mind Webinar and learn. Watch this webinar.