Scroll down to the second video below to watch this month's mastering trading psychology webinar from Rande Howell:  "Controlling Your Emotions When the Money Is Real"

Does Your Trading Psychology Stand Between You and What You Know is Possible?

Many know how to trade when the threat of losing is not present. But the moment that the trade goes live, their mind is seized and their trading mind disappears. Only after the damage do they come back to their senses and ask, "What just happened?"

To become a successful trader, you must answer this question and master it. Come and learn here.

Watch this month's free video below:

Rande Howell Trader Psychologist

Preventing Scared Money from Bleeding Your Trading Account

Preventing Scared Money from Draining Your Account

We grow up in cultures where you learn to suppress or control our emotions – and it seems to work. Then you get to trading and attempt to control your emotions the same way you learned in the worlds outside of trading. Suddenly, what appears to work blows up in your face. And the harder you try to control your emotions, the more emotional hijacking become a regular part of your trading performance. How do you learn to work with your emotional nature to produce an effective mindset for trading. Come and learn to bridge this huge gap in your trading.

This Month's Educational Webinar from Rande Howell

Click to go to the related article

Preventing Scared Money from Bleeding Your Trading Account Dry

When you put capital at risk, every thing changes. Suddenly you come face-to-face with the fact that you are not in control.  And if you are not prepared for this momentum shifter, your brain’s survival instincts crash your carefully laid out plans – and you are no longer in control.  What happens then? 

It wrecks  the trading mind in a heart beat and you are no longer in control of the
mind required for effective trading.  Tilt.  You know what happens then.  But how to you maintain the control of the mind when you no longer have control over outcome?  This is the difference maker.  Come learn how.  Come to this free webinar from Rande Howell.  And learn what you need to know about
managing your emotional nature to become the trader you could be.