These FREE Trading Psychology webinars teach you how to effectively apply your knowledge of trading in the pressurized environment of trading.  This is when Trading Psychology really counts.  It is the EDGE.

FREE Trader Psychology webinar opportunities in September 2024

Please join us for our Free LIVE  Webinar in the month of September, 2024

TOPIC - Controlling Your Emotions During Challenging Moments

​​Date/Time:  Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024, 4:30-5:30pm EDT

Nobody told you that the rules of success in trading are
different than regular life.  Every trader has to learn this lesson.  The tried-and-true Success Formula of:  Hard
Work Leads to Success
– fails. 

Yet people keep the hard work up, expecting different results.  If you have been a student of trading for at least several years, you have seen this dynamic play out hundreds of times in your trading. 

Then, what does work? 
What is required is a huge shift in your thinking.  There is a clash between the instincts of
your old Caveman Brain (seeking short term survival) and the Probability-Based
Mind that must be built for trading - where you are not in control of outcome.  You only control the mind that you bring to performance.  This is a huge shift that few traders will learn because they are working hard trying to be successful. Because of their
determination, they never see a different possibility of what does work with
managing uncertainty.

I invite you to come and learn.  Come and learn how to reshape your brain and mind for the rigors of managing the uncertainty of trading.  Sign up for this free webinar below.

Please click here to register.  

​​IMPORTANT!  Please note that the time shown is U.S. Eastern Daylight Saving Time.

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​​​​Mastering Trading Psychology

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